About me



"Oooh that's pretty," I said and took another bralette to the changing room. 
"Hmm, the shape is really weird. I better try this one."
"Oh, this one feels somehow too small and too large at once. Is this even possible?!"
"This looks silly. It was definitely looking better on the hanger."

These were my thoughts of frustration after trying yet another bralette that just didn´t feel right:
"My breasts must have a really weird shape"

Does this sound familiar to you?



I never planned to sew bras. It just happened. How?

I bought those really expensive lace panties on sale and I was wondering, "How on the Earth it can be so expensive? Its just a chunk of the lace and the tinies amount of cotton ever." So I bought my first meter of lace, copied it and it worked out really nicely. I started digging further.


"How about bralettes? There must be a way to make a comfortable, non-wired soft bra that provides support and a nice shape.I started my journey. I learned a lot about bra making. I learned a lot about materials. I tried a lot of different patterns but I wasn't very successful. It seems that my perfect bralette pattern just didn't exist...

 So I tried again. It was better but it wasn't IT.  I took the pattern, made another round of the adjustments, sewed it again... and repeat. Moving very slowly to my perfect fitting bralette. But I still was not happy even after 5 rounds of adjustment. So I gave up and went back to my original thought: "My body must be really weird."


Eventually, I found the answer. There is not much of a difference between the store-bought bra and bra patterns.
It's drafted for someone else. For some different body type. 


"...but what if it would be drafted for my own measurements?"


So I started drafting. And when I finished I was so impressed!
I finally made it! I finally made THE bralette I wanted all that time!
It is comfortable, it fits me well, it's pretty and it gives me a nice shape and good support even for my DD girls. 

And so the story began.
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